Monday, February 16, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yes, Your Majesty

Some days I wonder where my 3-year-old Jacey comes up with some of the things she says. I thought I had better write these things down so that I don't forget. 

This morning's breakfast prayer by Jacey: "Heavenly Father, thank thee for this day... (short pause) thank thee that Audrey can be so cute in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen"

Jacey dropped her cup on the floor at lunch time and started whining. I told her to hop down and get it. She moaned and groaned and finally got back on her chair cup in hand and said, "Whew, glad that's over." 

After watching an episode of The Backyardagains where one of the kids was pretending to be a king and the other children were referring to him as "Your Majesty" Jacey insisted upon being called "Your Majesty" as well. I was getting her ready for bed and I said, "Jacey, will you please pick up your toys?" and she said "NO!" so I said, "YOUR MAJESTY will you please pick up your toys?" Jacey hopped up and said "OK My Mommy"! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Space beatle????

We were driving around down town Seattle the other day and I pointed out the window and told Jacey to look at the Space Needle. She looked at me and said, "The space BEATLE???". It was so cute!

Ferry or Fairy?

Ferry trip to Bremerton January 2009

Hello family!!!

Just thought I'd start a blog and tell you all of the exciting things that our family is doing in Seattle! Mostly to make you all want to come and visit! Our apartment is small, but there is plenty of floor space to throw out a sleeping bag or two!